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Tuesday 2 August 2011

The Audi Spectacle

Audi, a brand that oozes with self confidence and associated with technological advances, creative, innovative and progessive thinking. It seems only right that the brand should be the pioneer of this entirely original concept ... what some might describe as ... the new breed of 'billboard' and with it ... the new way of marketing.

'It is a display of four life-size Audi cars, suspended inside the silver rings of a massive Audi symbol attached to an iconic bridge structure or in front of landmark spaces — the Sydney Harbour Bridge, Brooklyn Bridge, Tower Bridge, Venice. The rings rotate around, light-up at night, and move up and down the bridge. Against the backdrop of spectacular urban architecture, the Audi installation reflects Audi’s continuous challenging of the status quo, its capacity to innovate, and its ability to avoid the bland and the ordinary.'

 Spectacular. Innovative. Exciting. Congrats Audi. You've got my attention.

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